Living with osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis in the UK with 8.75 million people receiving treatment. Osteoarthritis mainly occurs in knees, hips, neck, back, fingers and toes. The cartilage in the joints becomes thinner, softer and crumbly. Moving reduces pain and improves mobility, a rollator can help to keep moving.
Rollator with multiple support options
Movement helps
Movement leads to the absorption of nutrients by the cartilage. Adequate exercise reduces pain and improves mobility. Apart from stimulating the cartilage by adequate exercise, you also train the muscles, tendons and ligaments around the joint. This provides more strength, stability and stamina. By using a rollator this will support active mobility with improved strength. you can lean on the rollator to relieve certain joints and you can sit on the rollator to rest for a while so you regain your strength.
Find out which rollators are available that meet your needs so you can keep on doing your daily activities.

Support for every symptom

The rollator makes sure that you can walk stable and upright

Both when sitting, but also when leaning or supporting
Usable anywhere

Each model is designed for indoor and outdoor use

The tools to help with osteoarthritis
Many different options
Osteoarthritis is a progressive disease, which means that the disease does not go away and slowly gets worse. Because of this, aids at a later stage are useful. What works best for you is something you must decide for yourself. A rollator can support you when you walk by being a support and a resting point. On a rollator you can sit for a while to recover and continue walking when your strength returns. This way you stay mobile and go out easily. Because you feel safe to move.
Staying active with arthritis
Moving helps
It's important to keep moving, because not moving often leads to physical and even mental complants. Moving is important, because exercise is good for the whole body: from the digestive system to the immune system.
If you are looking for a rollator, the Rollz Motion is a rollator that offers many different advantages to deal with arthritis. You can easily sit on the rollator seat, but this rollator can also be converted into a wheelchair on the way, so that you can continue your journey.
The Rollz Motion Performance is the all-terrain version of the Rollz Motion; the pneumatic tyres provide more cushioning. This means less vibration when sitting in the wheelchair, but also when walking with the rollator.
The Rollz Flex is a rollator on which you can sit on the seat to rest your body. The large bag has enough room for your belongings and shopping.

The ultimate walking experience

Get up from a chair and continue with your rollator
Getting up and walking away smoothly with your rollator seems easier than it is. You first transfer with one hand and then with the other from the seat back to the rollator handle.