Recent advancements in wearable technology have transformed the way consumers and healthcare institutions utilize data analytics to gain insights into physical activity levels for individuals and specific patient groups.
While wearable technology has proven beneficial for many users, it has practical limitations for those who rely on walking aids due to physical disabilities. Such patient groups have been excluded from the health benefits of activity trackers due to design limitations that fail to accommodate their mobility needs.
Why the need for Rollz Fit?
The number of people using wearable fitness technology is estimated to exceed 500 million by 2029. This predominantly wrist worn technology largely excludes rollator users from gathering accurate activity data due to a lack of kinetic movement, as a result of reduced arm swing when using a walker.
Rollz believes physical disability or impairment should in no way be a barrier to living a most active lifestyle. As a result, the Dutch company has developed the world’s first personal activity companion exclusively for rollator users, designed to address the changing demands of both healthcare and home environments.
The innovative sensor technology within the Rollz Fit, discreetly positioned in the hub of the rollator, accurately records physical activity metrics with every wheel rotation and communicates the data to a user-friendly interface in the Rollz app for review.
What can Rollz Fit help achieve?
The Rollz Fit is designed to give healthcare professionals and its users complete control of their personal fitness journey, whether that be in rehabilitation after surgery or in every-day life. By seamlessly integrating a smartphone with the Rollz Fit hardware and associated Rollz app, the sensor helps visualize and achieve activity goals.
By providing accurate data insights, this innovation aims to support better long-term health outcomes for both users and healthcare providers.
For healthcare professionals:
- Support improved outcomes in both acute and community settings.
- Track your patients’ or clients’ progress with the easy-to-use Rollz app.
- Set personalized goals to accurately assess and record activity milestones.
- Encourage patient self-management when appropriate.
- A fun and modern way to engage rollator users in their rehabilitation.
For rollator users:
- Increase the activity levels with personalized goal setting, including distance traveled, calories burned, and active minutes.
- Measure progress on the smartphone with the easy-to-use Rollz app.
- Receive motivalional notifications when targets are achieved.
- Enhace social inclusion and positive behaviour change.
- Supports rollator users to be #Fit2Move
Download this white paper in full to discover the challenges with wearable technology for rollator users, particularly regarding data accuracy. It also introduces a contemporary, rollator-specific mobile health solution designed to enhance the user experience, integrate underrepresented physical disabilities populations, and promote increased physical activity.